Thursday, February 19, 2009

Invite Your Friends, if you think they'll abide by the rules.

This is the official home of the Libripox Outside of a Dog Book Club. Our first book club selection is Tim Powers' Last Call. Buy a copy now. Discussion officially starts this coming Sunday, February 22nd. The only rule is that you read at least two chapters a day and post on the blog once a week. Blog posts may only involve parts of the book that everyone has read up to that point (following the two chapters a day rule, so on Feb 23rd, for example, everyone can discuss chapters 1, 2, 3, and 4, but not chapters 5, 6, and so on). I'll add more later.

1 comment:

Mike & Mary said...

Can we go slower? (whine...wimper...) how about 7 chapters per week? This book s lots to digest.